Application period for CML Board open through June 6

CML Newsletter
May 21, 2021

By Kevin Bommer, CML executive director

Municipal leaders, both elected and staff, are encouraged to consider applying to run for the CML Executive Board and be part of charting the direction of the League. CML President Bob Widner, Centennial city attorney, shares his experience:

"I found service on the CML Executive Board to be a challenging and rewarding way to elevate my commitment to the important work of local government. The Executive Board is a group of exceptional leaders representing all of Colorado dedicated to the common goal of service to the public. Service on the board enabled me to focus on significant statewide municipal issues and to understand and help guide CML’s mission in both the General Assembly and our state courts. Board service deepened my knowledge of municipal government and afforded me the opportunity to see problems through the eyes of a wide variety of communities. My fellow CML Board members’ knowledge and experience, coupled with an exceedingly knowledgeable and helpful CML staff, generated a collaborative, collegial, and respectful forum for the open discussion of problems facing our municipalities. I greatly enjoyed opportunities to engage our state and federal government leaders and to assist them in understanding the needs of our municipalities. Not surprisingly, working alongside members with a commitment to a shared cause created deep and lasting relationships with people from across Colorado. In short, my experience on the CML Executive Board was invaluable."

The vacancies to be filled at the election are:
• one position from municipalities with a population of 250,000 or more for a two-year term;
• three positions from municipalities with a population of at least 60,000 but less than 250,000, each for two-year terms;
• four positions from municipalities with a population of at least 8,000 but less than 60,000 for three two-year terms and one one-year term; and
• three positions from cities and towns with a population of less than 8,000, each for two-year terms.

Population figures for the June 2021 election will be based upon population estimates from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA). These are the same figures that were used in computing 2021 municipal dues for member municipalities.

CML bylaws require CML Executive Board members be elected or appointed officials of member cities and towns. Any official who desires to be nominated for a position on the CML Executive Board can ensure nomination by:
• filing an application for nomination, in letter or other written form, with the CML Nominating Committee. The application must be received in writing by the CML office a by 5 p.m., Sunday, June 6; and
• including with the application an endorsement in writing from the applicant's city council or board of trustees, which also must be received by the CML office by 5 p.m., Sunday, June 6. Please note that a city council or board of trustees may endorse the nomination of only one official from the city or town for election.

Please email application materials or questions to Kevin Bommer, CML executive director at More information and resources are available at