Civility Starts Here

Cultivating respect in Colorado's local government,
one conversation at a time.
Colorado Municipal League (CML) is leading a statewide campaign through the 2024 CML President’s Civility Initiative – Civility Starts Here. This initiative aligns with CML’s mission to provide advocacy, information, and training support for exceptional municipal governance, with a specific focus on fostering respect in Colorado local governments, one conversation at a time.
Municipal leaders and employees play a crucial role in fostering respectful dialogue. There are few, if any, issues local leaders face that are currently more important than learning how to combat the damaging effects of incivility, as it can undermine effective decision-making, erode community trust, and hinder one’s ability to serve the public good. Imagine communities transformed by civil discourse - more engaged, more collaborative, more invested in the future of Colorado.
Additional Resources
Embark on a journey to explore the state of civility in society with this curated list of resources that have helped shape CML's Civility Starts Here initiative. While we refrain from specific endorsements, each offers invaluable insights and tools to foster civic dialogue and understanding across diverse perspectives.
- Pew Research Center report on America’s trust in government from 1958-2023
- More In Common conducts research and initiatives to address the underlying drivers of fracturing and polarization to build more united, resilient, and inclusive societies.
- The Dignity Index is an eight-point scale for measuring how we talk to each other when we disagree.”
- Citizen University is a national non-profit organization focused on dialogue and “that equips Americans to be civic culture catalysts.”
- Civity is a national nonprofit organization that “seeks to build relationships across difference to transform communities."
- Institute for Civility "works to promote civility in government, workplaces, schools, and anywhere people gather to live, learn, work, and play.”
- Living Room Conversations is a capacity building organization that connects “people across divides – politics, age, gender, race, nationality, and more – through guided conversations proven to build understanding and transform communities.”
- Unify America is a non-partisan organization that created the Unify Challenge which is “an interactive experience to help people bust out of their bubbles, build civic muscles, and work together to tackle our country’s biggest challenges.”
- National Civic League offers resources for more productive public meetings, facilitation of controversy, and toolkits that “bridge divides in the community and engage residents in talking about the community they want to create together.”
- CSU Center for Public Deliberation “is dedicated to enhancing local democracy through improved public communication and community problem-solving."
- Municipal Association of South Carolina is amongst the first state leagues to develop a civility initiative from which many other associations have built their own campaigns, and to whom CML is enormously grateful.
Civility is the steadfast practice of respect, even in disagreement, that fosters constructive dialogue and connection, recognizing the inherent dignity of every person.
Offering a clear definition of civility helps create a foundation of common language and understanding.
Imagine communities transformed by civil discourse - more engaged, more collaborative, more invested in the future of Colorado.
Municipal leaders and employees play a crucial role in fostering respectful dialogue. There are few, if any, issues local leaders face that are currently more important than learning how to combat the damaging effects of incivility, as it can undermine effective decision-making, erode community trust, and hinder one’s ability to serve the public good.
Civility makes a difference, and it starts here - with you, your colleagues, your community, your state!
The task at hand starts with each of us individually, compelling us to take stock and reflect on our practices of respect and openness with those with whom we may disagree and even mistrust.
Take the Individual Civility Pledge
Have your community adopt a Civility Resolution.