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  • Electronic PDF

Municipal courts are an integral part of municipal government and help municipalities ensure a good quality of life in their communities. Municipal Courts, a brand new publication by CML, provides an overview of municipal courts and the best practices for their operation, as well as suggestions on evaluating a municipal court. The goal is to empower elected officials to be more informed about their municipal courts and provide them the necessary tools for successful outcomes.

Member Price (Print) : $20.00
Non Member Price (Print) : $40.00

Municipal courts are an integral part of municipal government and help municipalities ensure a good quality of life in their communities. Municipal Courts, a brand new publication by CML, provides an overview of municipal courts and the best practices for their operation, as well as suggestions on evaluating a municipal court. The goal is to empower elected officials to be more informed about their municipal courts and provide them the necessary tools for successful outcomes.

Member Price (Electronic) : $0.00
Non Member Price (Electronic) : $20.00