• CML Supports SB24-174
    March 5, 2024

    SB24-174 Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance uses state support to focus local government planning efforts on housing, with an emphasis on improving affordability and avoiding displacement, while providing flexibility to develop community based strategies for growth. Under the bill, local governments of a certain size will conduct housing needs assessments every six years, with the option to participate in a regional assessment.

    The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) will establish methodologies to create a baseline for the assessments and conduct a statewide assessment. Local governments will create housing action plans to meaningfully plan for housing needs, recommend legislative actions for adoption by locally elected leaders, promote regional coordination, and engage the public on efforts to address housing needs in the municipality’s jurisdiction. The bill updates county and municipal master plan standards to consider certain growth-related information sources and include water and strategic growth elements. The bill limits the power of new restrictive covenants to prohibit accessory dwelling units and more dense housing types where permitted by local zoning.

    CML respectfully requests your support.

  • CML Opposes HB24-1313 Unless Amended
    February 22, 2024

    House Bill 24-1313 Housing in Transit-Oriented Communities mandates rezoning of certain areas around rail and bus transit corridors by local governments within Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Colorado Municipal League, in partnership with other local government associations, is seeking amendments to remove punitive language that allows the state to withhold vital HUTF funding from local communities and removes local elected officials’ ability to make decisions for their communities.

    Your partnership is respectfully requested to oppose the bill unless it is amended.

  • CML Opposes HB24-1152 Unless Amended
    January 31, 2024

    HB24-1152, Concerning Increasing the Number of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), raises some concerns about home rule and local control. While CML share's the state's goal of expanding housing options, this bill encroaches on traditional land use and zoning authority of home rule municipalities.

    HB24-1152 imposes top-down residential zoning standards on select municipalities in Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) by making accessory dwelling units (ADUs) a “use by right” in single family zones. The bill would prohibit local governments from maintaining parking requirements, owner-occupancy rules, and so-called “restrictive” design or dimension standards.

    CML respectfully requests opposition, unless the bill is amended