CML has several committees that meet periodically on important municipal issues; additional committees may be formed as needed. Service on these committees is open to elected and appointed officials and staffs of CML member cities and towns. 

  •  The CML Policy Committee is a standing committee that develops the League's legislative program. The membership is composed of representatives from each member municipality, CML sections, and district presidents. Read about the League's policy development process. Staff: Heather Stauffer, Legislative Advocacy Manager.

  • The Amicus Committee reviews requests to the League to file appellate court amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs to determine if there is a substantial likelihood that important law will be made affecting Colorado municipalities. The committee will review requests, leading to a recommendation by the committee to the CML Executive Board. Those requesting CML amicus participation must follow procedures established by the Board. The Amicus Committee is composed of seven veteran municipal attorneys, who are voting members of the committee. CML legal staff will participate in committee discussions as nonvoting members. The current president of the CML Attorney’s Section will serve as an ex officio voting member of the committee during his or her term. Amicus Committee members are appointed by the CML Executive Board President, who will also designate a chairperson of the committee. Should a vacancy occur on the committee, League staff will recommend a replacement to the president.

As volunteers, the Amicus Committee members donate their time to the broad municipal legal community. Because the committee members are balancing this service with all other demands on their time, requests should be made with as much advanced notice to the committee membership as possible. Staff: Robert Sheesley, General Counsel.